Senin, 14 Maret 2011


Tawangmangu is a district in Karanganyar regency, Central Java. This sub-district is an area renowned for tourism is very cool.
Tawangmanguknown a tourist attraction on the slopes of the mountains west of Mount Lawu which can be reached by land vehicles for about an hour from the city of Surakarta ( Solo ). This place since the Dutch colonial period has been the tour. Object is a major tourist destination Grojogan Sewu Waterfall (height 81 m). In this resort is a variety of tourist supporting facilities such as swimming pools and various forms of lodging. From Tawangmangu can begin the climb to the summit of Mount Lawu (Pos Cemorokandang). Also, from here there is the pass that led to the Telaga Sarangan in Magetan through Cemorosewu.

Curug Lawe
What is a waterfall Lawe not many people who know the name of the waterfall Lawe but if Java people hear the name of this waterfall would have thought about if it's a waterfall. Yes true waterfall sights Lawe is located in Central Java province precisely in the Waterford district, District Village Gemawang Muncar here Curug Lawe located. Lawe waterfall is not yet as popular as other attractions but the beauty is in Curug Lawe was not inferior to those of other tourist attractions. Lawe waterfall itself has two levels and higher estimated total of approximately 250 m and around the waterfall Lawe usually in a particular season a lot of wild monkeys roaming the area slopes waterfall, nearby there is also a local specialty fruit there is fruit cendol but it is now difficult to find because first time logging cendol wild fruit trees were subjected to illegal loggers. I as a citizen who came from there region deeply regrets to local governments that are less concerned about these sights. If seandanya sights Lawe Curug this note and in the wake of facilities and infrastructure that support tourism travelers would love to visit the waterfall Lawe, it will bring keberkahaan for local communities and will bring even more value to its own districts Waterford in the eyes of other areas. And I hope with my post news about this Lawe Curug pemeritah hopefully better understand the region and for the progress of the resorts mengeerti Curug Lawe.